Conflict Transformation

“Facing a conflict requires a strong heart. The challenge for many of us in conflict is to put the relationship before the disputed issues and slow down long enough to recover our faculties - especially the ability to see and hear clearly. The eyes and the ears are always the first to go in conflicted dynamics.” – Patrick O'Neill

Resolving a conflict at home, work or the community is a good thing. But sometimes resolutions don't hold and the participants find themselves in conflict all over again.

Conflict transformation is an approach that seeks to build a stronger relationship as a result of a conflict rather than just repair or rectify the damage done.

Patrick O'Neill will lead a two-day program on Conflict Transformation exploring six sets of practices that illuminate conflict dynamics, interrupt reactive behaviors, generate mutual gain, and deepen the relationships of the conflicted parties.


  • Discover the underlying causes of conflict
  • Learn how to manage reactivity and express your feelings in a responsible way
  • Understand why difficult feelings like anger, sadness and fear must be on the table
  • Discover ways to manage pressure and avoid fight and flight responses
  • Learn how to get past right and wrong to mutual gain
  • Learn how to make a relationship stronger because of conflict

Conflict Transformation is a highly participatory workshop and is designed for anyone wishing to improve their ability to face conflict with courage and compassion.