— Z. Cathy Preston, Director, Preston Human Capital Group Inc.
Huffington Post, Oct 17, 2012
The Woman With the Hammer
Describing the vital role clear communications play in strong leadership, O’Neill said leaders should be able to state the vision behind any initiative in 13 words or less...
Globe and Mail Article, Aug 13, 2012
Leadership – Take a Moment to Reflect
Things often go awry at the midpoint in any effort. We don’t recognize how much we have achieved, and the finish line seems too far away. In his Extraordinary Conversations newsletter...
Globe and Mail Article, Feb 21, 2011
Leadership Lessons From The King’s Speech
The Academy Awards next Sunday will reveal Hollywood's picks of the best film of 2010, but also Toronto-based consultant Patrick O’Neill says it's no contest to pick the best leadership film. In his Extraordinary Conversations...
Globe and Mail Article, Aug 30, 2010
Monday Morning Manager
YES. Yes sends a clear message, confirming agreement with someone else’s point of view. When we say yes, we are often accepting a request to do something (or refrain from doing something) and...
Globe and Mail Article, May 31, 2010
Monday Morning Manager
Watching Montreal Canadiens defenceman Hal Gill block shots in the early round of the hockey playoffs led consultant Patrick O’Neill to think of the importance of speaking truth to power in the workplace...
Globe and Mail Article, Nov 24, 2009
Monday Morning Manager
With the business world and business schools grappling with how to get a handle on ethics, Toronto-based consultant Patrick O’Neill highlights five deficits that have to be addressed, in his Extraordinary Conversations e-newsletter...
Globe and Mail Article, Oct 5, 2009
Iffy Iggy: This is your ‘real character moment’
Michael Ignatieff should take heart. Sure, the leader of the Liberal Party has been receiving the drubbing of his life. He has been “diagnosed” as narcissistic damned as incompetent and dismissed as a dud...
Globe and Mail Article, July 27, 2009
Helping Others To Be Great
In a recent New York Times article, basketball lefend and former U.S. senator Bill Bradley recalled a conversation with another hard court star, Oscar Robertson, about Michael Jordan. Then in his third NBA season...