The Four Directions

The Four Directions programs are designed to support full engagement in your personal, work and community life. These tools are cross-cultural and can be applied in any environment where leadership, wellbeing, creativity and wisdom are valued. We hope you can join our community of practice.

"In many shamanic traditions, optimum health is considered to be the equal expression of these archetypes. Indigenous peoples consider it vitally important to be balanced in all four areas: leading, healing, visioning, and teaching. For most people, however, this balance is far from reality." -ANGELES ARRIEN

In her seminal book, The Four-Fold Way, Angeles Arrien provides an ancient, cross-cultural map for living a healthy, balanced life. She identifies four archetypes: the Leader, Healer, Visionary and Teacher. Each archetype corresponds to a cardinal direction. Each direction contains a set of practices synthesized from worldwide shamanic traditions.

The Four Directions programs are intended to deepen our knowledge, and application of these practices. Whether you are new to this work or a returning student, the programs are designed to support deep personal congruence and greater harmony with others and our world.

Patrick O'Neill is a management consultant and teacher with an international client base. He taught with Angeles Arrien for twenty years and is committed to carrying on the work that Angeles pioneered.

The Four Directions workshop series are held seasonally in Corte Madera, California and in Seattle, Washington as follows:

Corte Madera, California
The North: Feb. 28 & March 1, 2015
The South: May 30 & 31, 2015
The East: Sept. 19 & 20, 2015
The West: Nov. 7 & 8, 2015

Seattle, Washington
The South: May 23 & 24, 2015
The East: Sept. 26 & 27, 2015
The West: Nov. 14 & 15, 2015
The North: Jan. 30 & 31, 2016

The Four Directions is offered first as a full subscription to all four weekends. Individual weekends will then be opened for single sessions, as seats are available.



The North (Winter) is devoted to the practice of leadership and the wise use of power. The powers of presence, action and communication are the foundations of leadership. We will explore the principles and applications of personal leadership and group leadership. The practices of the North help us show up, make positive contributions to our families and communities and avoid the abuses of power that plague our times.



The South (Spring) is devoted to the healing power of love. The practices of the four-chambered heart - full, strong, open and clear - is humanity's most powerful healing salve. These perennial wisdoms support us to be in right relationship with others, our world, and ourselves. South work helps us choose compassion over fear; cooperation over divisiveness; forgiveness over retaliation. _________________


The East (Summer) is devoted to vision and our life dream. This is the home of the authentic self, of truth telling without blame and our gifts and talents. Summer is the time for dismantling the false-self system and of releasing patterns of indulgence and denial. The East supports us to drop fixed perspectives and open to expanded vision.



The West (Fall) is devoted to loving detachment and gathering wisdom. To do this, we must become comfortable with uncertainty and learn to trust. The fall is associated with shedding. The West teaches us about letting go of positionality, judgment and controlling behaviors that are barriers to wisdom. We become more flexible and fluid when we are open to outcome. Here we can listen to our own inner guidance in the stillness of the quiet mind. Clarity, objectivity and discernment grow as a result.



Attention Participants: To download a Participant Information sheet that gives you details on dates, times, location and logistics information for The Four Directions workshop sessions:

Click here for Corte Madera, California

Click here for Seattle, Washington

Please join The Four Directions Community on Facebook where alumni and upcoming participants share news, wisdom, insights and experiences that help support full engagement in personal, work and community life.


For further information
call us at
416 361 3331 

Purchase full program - $1,250

Seattle, WA

Corte Madera, CA
The official HTML5 Icon

Purchase The North – $399

Seattle, WA

Corte Madera, CA
The official HTML5 Icon

Purchase The South, The East &
The West - $1,197

Corte Madera, CA

Purchase The South - $399

Corte Madera, CA

Seattle, WA

Purchase The East – $399

Corte Madera, CA

Seattle, WA

Purchase The West – $399

Corte Madera, CA

Seattle, WA

The XPO Meeting

Investment: $640 USD

Extraordinary Coaching

The Extraordinary Coaching Program is objectives-driven and supports developmental, behavioral and performance goals set by you.

This intensive development opportunity is designed to get results. Together, we set success benchmarks and accountabilities and drive results through weekly or bi-weekly Skype calls.

In between calls you will have unlimited access to coaching by phone or email. We can provide just in-time advice, review your work or help you prepare for an important engagement.

We have helped people create new businesses; develop new products; find new jobs; get promoted at work; create greater work-life balance; build collaboration and employee engagement; deal with difficult people; resolve conflicts; and navigate difficult life transitions.

This is not a casual coaching relationship. The work is rigorous and demanding. The program features:

  • A six-month or nine-month program
  • Creation of developmental, behavioral & skills objectives
  • Metrics for success
  • Tactical plan
  • Weekly/biweekly phone calls
  • Personal meetings as desired/required
  • Unlimited email
  • Unlimited review of work
  • Unlimited additional phone calls

For further information call us at
416 361 3331 

Team Tune-up

Time for a check in with your team? High functioning teams need to continually ensure they are aligned and focused around the same goals.

Is your team focused and primed for success? Our Team Tune-up can help support your ability to safely and effectively identify and address issues, dynamics and barriers to team.

A completed next steps work plan ensures everyone knows what they need to do to achieve team goals.

Team Tune-up includes:

  • Up to 10 assessment interviews
  • Identification of common themes
  • Half day facilitated working session to review themes, identify priority items and next steps

Fee includes consultation meeting with Patrick O'Neill to help you develop a strategic approach to your change initiative.

For further information call us at 416 361 3331 or email

Investment: $7,900 +HST