New Self, New World
My colleague and friend, Philip Shepherd has accomplished the impossible: he has published a fine, new book New Self, New World. I know it has been a multi-year labour of love.
I admire Philip for his unwavering commitment to making this important contribution. It's not easy being an author, especially today. In light of the sorry state of the publishing industry, his achievement is even more remarkable.
Author and teacher Andrew Harvey, says in the foreword to the book:
"Philip Shepherd, in his profound and original adds his distinctive, elegant, fierce and tender voice to those of his distinguished evolutionary predecessors. His book–written over a decade of painstaking, gruelling self-exploration, and with the highest nobility and clariety of soul–provides us all with an indispensible guide to why a radically embodied divine humanity needs to be birthed now, and birthed fast, and it shows us how to allow this bewildering and majestic destiny to be worked out in and through us through divine grace."
New Self, New World is an important book. It is published by North Atlantic Books.
© Patrick O’Neill 2010. All rights reserved