The Visionmaker Workshops

I am very happy to announce four new Visionmaking programs that I will offer in 2010.  

The first program, Envisioning 2010 is January 16/17. Ten years of research have gone into this work which is designed to accelerate your progress towards making next year the most memorable yet. This workshop will employ a variety of traditional and modern techniques, including visualization, journeying, reflective practice, journaling and dialogue, to support you to make a personal plan to make your vision a reality.


The Vision of the Heart is being held April 24/25. This training in Visionmaking will focus on the Four-Chambered Heart, an archetype described by Angeles Arrien in her seminal book, The Four-Fold Way. We will work with the principles of deep engagement, trust, integrity and courage as portals to explore questions of purpose and meaning. 


The Cycle of Visionmaking is September 24/25.This groundbreaking workshop offers you the blueprints, tools and clear instructions to translate your dreams into constructive action. This is the fundamental tool of Visionmaking and will be a powerful learning experience to help transform your work, home and community. 


Gathering Your Power is December 4/5. Personal power is a requirement for the journey to your personal Destiny. Visionmakers understand what powers they have, what powers they must gather and how those powers support the journey of heart and meaning. Your unique and individual potency in the world is the subject of this two-day expedition to empowerment.  


All programs are in Toronto.


For more information please hit the extraordinary conversations link at the side of the page and click on the Visionmaker banner at the top of the home page. 


I hope to see you there.


© Patrick O’Neill 2009. All rights reserved.