Skills for Personal and Collective Leadership (Digital Download)
Skills for Personal and Collective Leadership (Digital Download)
Extraordinary challenges require extraordinary leadership. But our notions of leadership must change dramatically if we are to overcome the dark prophecies that are carried daily through our global media.
Extraordinary Conversations For Breakthrough Results (ECBR) is a program about leadership. It is designed to provide skills, processes and hands-on experiences for the transition to collective leadership.
ECBR begins with the premise that in order to avert the global leadership crisis, we need to learn collective leadership. Collective leadership is the domain where each of us must bring forward our unique perspectives, learning, skills, gifts and talents as natural resources for the good of the community.
The medium of collective leadership and organizational learning is conversation - an extraordinary conversation. And extraordinary conversation changes the way we think, feel and act – and may even change the very course of our lives.