Here, There, and Everywhere

I'm in full production mode these days. Last week and over the weekend I was in Adrian, Michigan with the Dominican Sisters; this weekend in San Francisco and the second weekend of The Mystery of Relationships with Angeles Arrien; and next week back in Toronto teaching The Five Transitions.


Phewww. I'm tired just reading about it.


Much to be excited about though.


The work with the Adrian Dominican Sisters is progressing really well. I have been a volunteer advisor with the Order since last December, when they invited me to help them with Congregational change and development.


We have been looking at sustaining their mission in the face of some challenges. The average age in the Congregation is 75 years old. As well, formation rates of new sisters coming into the Order are at a trickle, a common challenge for religious communities.


Those are daunting conditions.


Last weekend I led a future planning conference with 45 Sisters and lay people. It was fun, challenging and creative. Five Pathways have been identified to sustain the mission and preliminary plans of action were drafted.


All of it was done with remarkable clarity, courage and good spirits. A tribute, I think, to the character and commitment of all involved.


There was even a live podcast from the floor of the planning conference, featuring the Prioress, Sister Attacta Kelly (Irish Woman Extraordinaire!) ...and yours truly. I know, what's wrong with that picture.


This weekend is the second weekend of the Relationships program. Angeles Arrien and I will be exploring The Healthy Masculine and Healthy Feminine with our 37 participants at her teaching room in Sausalito.


Over the weekend, we'll be looking at the two Archetypes that are resident in every person: the dynamic and receptive, masculine and feminine. We will also be exploring the shadow of the Archetypes, the Unhealthy Mascuiline and the Covert Feminine.


For those who are interested, and unable to attend, allow me to recommend a film we will be using as a teaching tool: Dangerous Liaisons. If you haven't seen it in a while I recommend that you revisit it. Every line in the film is a lesson in the corruption of innocence through seduction, manipulation and the misuse of power.




Of course, we will be spending as much, or more time on the healthy aspects of both energies.


Next weekend is The Five Transitions, in Toronto. The Five Transitions that every person goes through are:


• Work


• Relationship


• Health


• Finances


• Identity


We are all in transition, whether we recognize it or not. The program will explore what requires change or strengthening in our thinking during transition; our unique array of gifts, talents and character qualities that we have as a resource; the values and principles that act as a balast in times of change; and the priorities that are most important to us.


Ultimately, transitions, when well met, provide a sense of being fully alive, engaged and empowered for life. A life without transition is dull, boring and tedious.


If you are in transition, this program will provide you with the knowledge, skills and support required to meet uncertainty with courage and grace!


I hope to see you there.


© Patrick O’Neill 2011. All rights reserved.